Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Geography or history ?
Purechemistry or purephysics ?
Im so confused , they say geography better then another one say history better .
Geography got fieldtrip then history got visit to fortcanning {?}
Both of them need write essays leh and my english sucks lyk dontknow what .
Chemistry can play with chemicals and physics can play with electricity {?}
Wanted POA but there is no Amaths , and there is also F and N . I will only take F and N when they teaches us how to cook and eat(:
Amaths seems to be lyk so difficult , those weirdweird algebra thing but better to take since this subject is so important .
So now is either i go 3A or 3b , and which one is better ? arghh .
Chemistry or physics ? Physics or chemistry ?
Geography or history ? History or geography ?

This is to Ros+e : Fieldtrip can link to many things okay , example when you reached there you will see trees or rather plants and thats link to biology already , you can count how many plants and thats is maths .The molecules in the air is chemistry (water use to plant the plants , evaporation stuffs thing ) . And maybe you will see rainbow there and link to physics . You can also dig the ground , see whether there is any artefacts a not and thats is history . And plus you can get to eat cabbage , carrot and different kinds of fruits there and maybe can get free rice if it is a rice field . and goes on and on .